I’m going to write every day.

2 min readJan 18, 2023


I’m going to publish one article every day for the next six months.

My goal: To become a real, experienced writer who is used to producing and publishing articles on my thoughts; someone who can efficiently translate my thoughts into words in a way that is easy to understand.

My fears: I am afraid of publishing bad articles, for some reason, even though no one is reading my articles so there are no stakes.

My course of action: I’m going to publish an article every day. I’m going to publish bad articles, poorly written articles, unedited articles, incoherent articles, articles based on dumb ideas. I’m going to publish short and sweet articles that don’t take much time. I’m going to make this as easy as possible so that I can make a daily habit out of producing and releasing pieces of writing. I’m not going to worry about quality any longer.

Specific strategies: I’m not going to edit my articles. This strategy removes one step from the writing process, which makes publishing daily more feasible. The more achievable my daily habit is, the more likely I am to be consistent. I’m also going to write exceptionally short articles. Three paragraphs. No, I’ll aim for one paragraph and let the article expand into three paragraphs if necessary. Making things short removes the pressure to drag on the writing process unnecessarily, to make the essay “just a little bit longer” before publishing, to think of more things to say. Also, I have a theory that short articles might actually be fun for people to read. In this day and age, there are so many headlines to click on; so many things to read. Getting my ideas across briefly and in simple terms might actually make my articles higher quality (in addition to being a valuable skill to develop in and of itself).

This is the first day. Hold me accountable if you’re reading!




I like: thinking, fiction, psychology, philosophy, manga, anime, shounen, BTS, afrobeats, etc.